Eat Right 4 Your Type - Blood Type Diet

Eat Right 4 Your Type, authored by Dr. Peter D’Adamo, is the work of two generations of licensed naturopathic doctors (NDs). First published in 1996, the book is a NY Times bestseller. His father, Dr. James D’Adamo first discovered the link between blood type and diet.


Dr. Peter D’Adamo proposes that blood type is a genetic powerhouse with a primary influence on the immune system, metabolism, and digestive processes. He states different blood types have their own food preferences.


This explains why some foods work great, a super food, for some but does not work well for others. His work explains so well why some do well on Paleo diets and others thrive on vegan oriented diets. His theory is lectins are the issue. His scientific work proves different lectins have different effects for each blood type.

Blood Type Diet Profile - Basics

Dr. D’Adamo breaks down foods for each blood type and identifies them as highly beneficial, neutral, or avoid. Highly Beneficial foods act like medicine, advancing health and protecting against illnesses. Neutral foods provide required macronutrients and caloric energy. The avoid foods act like a poison, inducing biological disorder. Consuming avoid foods increases the chance of disease. Dr. Peter D’Adamo shares stories in his book of his clients who are ill from the wrong diet then recover after adopting their blood type diet.

Here’s a summary of the major points for each blood type:


Type O 

High protein: meat, fish, vegetables, fruit limit grain, beans and legumes.

Highly beneficial foods:  kelp, seafood, red meat, kale, spinach, broccoli, olive oil

Avoid: wheat, corn, navy beans, lentils, kidney beans, and dairy


Type A

Largely vegetarian: vegetable, tofu, seafood, grains, legumes, fruit, and turkey

Highly beneficial foods: olive oil, seafood, vegetables, pineapple

Avoid: meat, dairy, kidney beans, Lima beans, wheat, and corn


Type B

Balanced omnivore: meat, dairy, grains, fruit, vegetables, fish, seafood, select beans, legumes

Highly Beneficial foods:greens, eggs, venison, liver, licorice tea

Avoid: chicken, corn, lentils, peanuts, sesame seeds, wheat


Type AB

Mixed diet: lamb, fish, dairy, tofu, beans, legumes, grains, vegetables, fruit

Highly Beneficial: tofu, seafood, greens, kelp

Avoid: chicken, corn, kidney beans, buckwheat

Pork and pork products are an avoid food for everyone. The book is even more thorough and has much more to offer

Blood Type Chart - Complete List

Check out this chart to see a side by side comparison of over 700 foods for each blood type. Learn which foods are beneficial/neutral for each blood type. Equally important, see which foods should be avoid. So I created this chart to display all the foods from the book with the recommendation for each blood type. B-highly beneficial, N-neutral, A-avoid. 

Blood Type Diet Videos

Watch the Blood Type Diet Movies playlist on the Eat Right 4 Your Type YouTube channel to gain a better understanding of why blood type is important. The blood type movies consist of five short videos, the sixth one is longer format. All are worthy of your viewing time. 


Dr. D’Adamo begins by sharing an introduction to each blood types’ characteristics.

The second movie explains the effects blood group antibodies have on health and the influence on the history of medicine. The third video examines the role of lectins in the diet and their interactions with blood type. Number four explores the structure and function of the blood group antigens. He discusses the significance in infections and anthropology.

The fifth video discusses the links between blood groups, genetics and diet.

The last video shows Dr. Peter D’Adamo receiving the Leadership Award from the Integrative Healthcare  Symposium conference in 2023. His work revolutionized the field of personalized medicine. Countless practitioners, patients, and followers enjoy greater health due to adopting the blood type diet. This is a deep dive into blood types and lectins. Learn even more on his podcast  HouseCall with Dr. Peter D’Adamo.

Blood Type Cookbooks

There are four blood type cookbooks, personalized for each type. Dr. D’Adamo says “Food has the potential to heal and strengthen our physical bodies, support our recovery from injury and illness, and potentially change our genetic destinies.”


I enjoy my copy and it’s even easier to adopt this diet with these recipes.

Find Your Blood Type

If you do not know your blood type, here are some ideas. Ask your doctor’s office. Give blood to the American Red Cross, you’ll get your blood type identified for free.


An easy and inexpensive way to learn your blood type is to order at home blood test kit from Dr. D’Adams’s web. The cost is only $10.

My ND’s Best Dietary Advise

My ND is a Carroll Method ND and a Vitalist. I actually took my copy of Eat Right 4 Your Type book on my first visit. She totally supports this work about lectins and blood type. She even discussed with Dr. D’Adamo that the blood type diet is great but not perfect since it doesn’t identify the intolerant foods.


Even through my limited experience of seeing results from family and friends, I’m seeing the blood type diet includes one or two intolerant foods. Her best dietary advice is to eliminate your Carroll intolerant foods and follow the blood type diet. The Carroll test is not about blood reactions to lectins.


               Personal Diet = Blood Type Diet – Carroll Food Intolerances – Allergies


My Notes

I’m so thankful to my Vitalist ND’s advice to adopt the blood type diet. Even though I completely eliminate my food intolerances and cut reactive sugars two years ago, I had persistent skin cysts. (Learn more about reactive sugars vs. neutral sugars, visit my Fruit and Sugar Combo Intolerance page.)


The O blood type diet aligns well with my food intolerances. The avoid list for type O includes my primary intolerances, dairy and wheat. My experience eating intolerant foods is, they result in stronger adverse symptoms. I’ve noticed the blood type avoid food reactions are less severe. I don’t well digest the type O avoid foods, experiencing bloating and gassiness.


I added more beneficial foods and cut the avoid foods. I also followed my ND’s advice to practice constitutional hydrotherapy at home. After seven months of these changes, my skin finally healed. 

Advocate for The Carroll Food Intolerance Test

I hope you check out my Home page. I advocate for a simple, accurate food intolerance test. Easily identify foods you can’t digest with the Carroll Food Intolerance Test.


Find real healing by identifying/eliminating your food intolerances and adopt the blood type diet.


P.S. Email me if you like the excel or numbers version of the blood type food chart.